there was a little girl who had a really clever Dad. You see her Dad had the ability to design and create the most beautiful things from wood. He passed his love of wood onto his little girl who one day grew up to contine to share his, and now her passion with others.

Play Gym Frames & Packages
Arabella + Autumn Play Gym Frames and Play Gym Packages are a stylish statement...

Play Gym Toys
With certified teethers, moving parts and woody sounds, Arabella + Autumn Play...
Dummy Clips
Arabella + Autumn Dummy Clips have been made and tested to comply with...
Pram Garlands
An Arabella + Autumn Pram Garland will keep your baby entertained for...
Arabella + Autumn was born…
after having babies and realising there was a lack of products for them that were aesthetically pleasing in the modern home, whilst still being stimulating and engaging for babies. So way back in 2014 I sat down and designed my first Arabella + Autumn piece. The rest so they say is history!